August 27, 2021

Dear Dartmouth employees,

I am writing to provide a workplace update and some important reminders.

Vaccination Requirement

As the number of cases of people with COVID-19 continues to increase nationally and in our community, and we begin to return to normal campus operations, we must continue to remain diligent in our efforts to minimize the risk and spread of the virus. Dartmouth requires that all staff and faculty accessing the campus and other Dartmouth premises be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Thank you to those who have already received their vaccinations and submitted their documentation to Axiom Medical. Your efforts have helped in allowing us to return to a semblance of normalcy. If you will be working in any capacity on site this year and have not yet submitted vaccination confirmation or obtained a waiver, you will need to provide a copy of your vaccination record before Sept. 1. The policy is available online.

You can submit your documentation using this form. Employees may request medical and religious exemptions from this policy by contacting the Office of Institutional Diversity and Equity. As you may have heard, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has now given full approval to the Pfizer vaccine, in addition to the other vaccines that have emergency use authorization. Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 vaccination and testing can be found online.

Return to On-Site Work Moved to Oct. 4

Our plans for the fall term included the opportunity for many employees to return to on-site work beginning Sept. 1 and we recognize that many of you are already working on campus. Considering the rising rate of virus transmission in the state, we are pushing that date back by a month to help slow the increase in the density of people on campus, with the goal of interrupting COVID-19 transmission wherever possible. We ask that those employees not yet on campus, whose roles are not directly student-facing and can perform their work off-site, continue to work remotely until Oct. 4. We will provide an update on this decision later next month. If you are uncertain whether this decision affects you, please consult your supervisor.

New COVID-19 Testing Frequency and Format

Over the next two weeks, we will move from 30-day testing to weekly testing for vaccinated employees. We will also introduce the use of take-home testing kits for everyone participating in surveillance testing (both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees). This new testing format, which is being introduced for convenience and expediency, is being rolled out by department/division, and you will be notified when it is your turn to begin take-home testing. Some areas have already begun to use the new kits. You will receive instructions for picking up labels and a testing kit and information about your designated testing kit drop-off location. On-site testing will continue to be available for those who need to use it.

Please note that beginning on Monday, Aug. 30, on-site testing will be moved from the Courtyard Café to West Gym, located in Alumni Gym.

As a reminder, employees do not need to participate in surveillance testing if they are not coming to campus to work. Unvaccinated employees who are coming to campus are still required to test twice a week. All employees are required to wear face coverings when working indoors on College premises, except when working alone in a private office (please see the face-covering policy).

Free Parking

I also want to let you know that for the months of September through December, Dartmouth Transportation Services will not charge employees for parking. Please continue to display the last permit issued (which should have an expiration date of June 30, 2020) when your vehicle is parked on campus through December. For more information, please reach out to

I hope that you have had a wonderful summer. The fall term promises to be a busy one—thank you for all you are doing for Dartmouth.


Scot Bemis
Chief Human Resources Officer